Why Join


We offer several membership categories for professionals in the accounting field or those studying to become CPAs. Complete the appropriate application below and submit it with your first year’s dues. Dues are prorated semi-annually based on the DSCPA fiscal year (May to April). All applications are contingent on approval by the DSCPA Board of Directors. However, applicants can take advantage of DSCPA member discounts upon submission of their application and payment of dues.

Membership Categories

  • CPA Members

    Eligibility: Holds a Delaware Permit to Practice or a license in any state and lives or works in Delaware.

  • CPA - Retired

    Eligibility: Fully retired and no longer working in any field.

  • CPA - Temporarily Inactive

    Eligibility: Temporarily out of the workforce entirely (excludes those working in another field).

  • CPA - Out-of-State

    Eligibility: CPAs licensed in another state but do not hold a Delaware CPA certificate or permit to practice.

  • Non-Certified Staff

    Eligibility: An employee of a CPA firm with offices in Delaware or an employee in industry whose immediate supervisor is a CPA member of the DSCPA and who themselves are not certified public accountants.

  • Student Members

    Eligibility: Students attending an accredited college, university or high school.

  • CPA Candidates

    Eligibility: Those who have completed their educational requirements for licensure and are currently sitting for the CPA exam as a Delaware candidate.

Membership Categories

CPA $300 $150
CPA - Retired $110 $55
CPA - Temporarily Inactive $110 $55
CPA - Out of State $200 $100
Non Certified Staff $190 $95
Student $0 $0
CPA Candidate $190 $95

Apply to the DSCPA

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