
FOR NEW USERS – You must complete the “Create a guest account” form below. This is NOT an application for membership.

FOR APPLICANTS – Please complete the appropriate form below that corresponds to your current status.

CPA Members

I hold a Delaware Permit to Practice or a license in any state and live or work in Delaware

CPA - Retired

Fully retired and no longer working

CPA - Temporarily Inactive

Temporarily out of the workforce entirely (excludes those working in another field)

CPA - Out-of-State

Licensed in another state but do not hold a Delaware CPA certificate or permit to practice

Non-Certified Staff

Employees of a CPA firm with offices in Delaware or employees in industry whose immediate supervisor is a CPA member of the Society, and who are not certified public accountants.

Student Members

Students attending an accredited college, university, or high school

CPA Candidates

Those who have completed their educational requirements for licensure and are currently sitting for the CPA exam as a Delaware candidate

Create a guest account

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My Employer

You don't have an association with an employer.

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Account Access

Changing your e-mail address will send a verification e-mail to the new address. Your e-mail will not change in the system until you confirm the change via the verification e-mail.

Passwords are required to be at least 8 characters long, a mixture of uppercase and lowercase letters, and at least one special character.

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